One of my earliest plant-related memories is poking the Mimosa Pudica and watching it immediately close its leaves from my touch. It was small and inconspicuous, hidden among the rest of the weeds in a garden – something a curious child with too much time on her hands would notice. In my defense, they were more fun to play with than the showy flowers that do nothing but stand pretty. It’s only years later I found out that this was the plant’s defense mechanism to discourage nosy creatures from eating or disturbing it. That didn’t stop me from poking it, though.
For a long time, I found plants to be boring. I didn’t share my mother’s love for flowers and gardening. Even years of studying about it in school during Biology did nothing to change my mind. However, I always thought about that Mimosa Pudica and how it intrigued me when I first encountered it. I wanted that curiosity back, but this time, outside of textbooks and classrooms.
And that’s how I began my journey into the Plantverse.
I adopted an Echeveria. I investigated my mother’s dying houseplants. I discovered edible plants we’ve been eating all along from our backyard. I pored through scientific articles and plant databases for more information. I visited garden centers and plant nurseries. I followed questionable but enthusiastic people learning about plants on Tumblr. I also started judging plant owner influencers on Instagram. It’s been a never-ending ride but I love it because I’m constantly learning new things on the go.
With this, I hope to share my research and experience on plants in a casual manner, easily understood by all. Not only to educate but also to help people as best as I can. I firmly believe that knowledge shouldn’t be gatekept behind paywalls and complex scientific jargon. Because learning is an enjoyable experience that should be accessible in terms of language and availability to all. And the plant world is just one of many things we could start with.
So, feel free to look around the blog and I hope they can be of use to you, whether for troubleshooting your plants or just pleasure reading. I’ll see you around PHA 😀