Fittonia, otherwise commonly known as a Nerve plant, is a charming but finicky plant known for its droopy/fainting nature. The good news is it’s not dying. But it is signaling to you that something is wrong with it. Luckily for…
How to Best Warm Up a Plant Exposed to Cold Temperatures
There will be a time when you’re faced with a cold-damaged houseplant. This could be from accidentally leaving the potted plant outside or by an open window when the temperature drops. The question is, can you save them? The short…
How to Take Care of Marimo Moss Balls – Everything You Need to Know In 8 Steps
Marimo moss balls are cute velvety balls that have become a favorite, low-maintenance pet plant for some people. Kind of like when pet rocks were a thing. Despite their name, they are actually made of algae, not moss. If you’re…
What You Need to Know About the Myths of Avocado Pits in Water
Growing avocado pits in water is a common gardening project you see around the internet. But did you know that this is actually not a reliable way to start your avocado seeds off? As a whole, growing avocado pits in…